Suggested Chrome Policies

Girl on Computer

Chrome offers policies that allow you to restrict what can be done with the Chrome browser installed on a given system.

Quick Install

OS Install
Linux Download managed_policies.json, copy to directory /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed
Mac Run /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Windows Contact Us

For more detailed install information, see below.

Policy Information

Below you will find the policies we find Important to use with InFilter, and some Optional Policies that we also recommend, but are not essential to the use of the InFilter tool.

Important Policies

Policy Setting Purpose
IncognitoModeAvailability 1 Block incognito mode, which could allow for bypass of InFilter
ExtensionInstallForcelist ["<infilter plugin id>"] Force install InFilter
DeveloperToolsAvailability 2 Disable developer tools, which could be used to disable InFilter
ExtensionInstallBlacklist ["*"] Blacklist all other extensions
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory false Do not allow browser history to be removed
BrowserAddPersonEnabled false Disables adding other users to the browser
BrowserGuestModeEnabled false Disable guest mode, which could be used to bypass InFilter

Optional Policies

Policy Setting Purpose
ForceGoogleSafeSearch true Force Google safe search, should you want to allow your users to use Google
ForceYouTubeRestrict 2 Set YouTube restrictions to the most strict, should you want your users to use Youtube

Additional Policy Info

For the full list of Chrome policies, see the Chromium policy list.

Detailed Installation Information

Applying policies to the Windows registry

Load Existing File

Manual Method

Applying policies to Mac

One Step Policy Apply

Manually Download And Apply Policies